"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
When I think of the actions of the Democrats to muster the courage to vote yes on Healthcare Reform, I am reminded why I am a Liberal Democrat.
I am a Liberal because I stand with integrity to place the needs of my country before my selfish desire.
I humbly pick up the noble torch of truth to march for the cause of the unfortunate and exploited.
I respect the grace of labor by recognizing its significance in the development of a nation.
I am generous in spirit and noble in deed.
I am proud to be Liberal.
When I think of the actions of the Democrats to muster the courage to vote yes on Healthcare Reform, I am reminded why I am a Liberal Democrat.
I am a Liberal because I stand with integrity to place the needs of my country before my selfish desire.
I humbly pick up the noble torch of truth to march for the cause of the unfortunate and exploited.
I respect the grace of labor by recognizing its significance in the development of a nation.
I am generous in spirit and noble in deed.
I am proud to be Liberal.
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